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End The Cycle of Self Sabotage 

Transform Your Life Into Beauty And Joy

Butterfly of transformation

You're smart.   You're a good person.  You know you deserve more so why does it feel like you always wind up in bad relationships, failure or self sabotage?

I've been there.   In my professional life I was successful and well respected but my personal life was a total nightmare.   In addition to the heartache and emotional turmoil, it was embarrassing to admit that someone so smart could be so stupid.


What I came to understand, after far too many years of suffering and ​utter confusion, is that the logical part of my mind that was in charge of getting a degree and being a competent nurse, wasn't the part of my mind in charge of my emotional well being.   IQ simply doesn't translate to EQ which is required for a happy, healthy life. 

Enter NLP and hypnotherapy.   I have to confess, you are smarter and more self aware than I was.  When I discovered this work, I was still caught up in the rescuer mode. The only reason I even wanted to learn about self help was because I was under the illusion that I could help others, namely my son.  It never occurred to me that I was the one that needed help - kinda ridiculous but true.  Fortunately, in spite of my misguided motives, the Universe steered me onto the path of my own salvation.  Through my journey of learning NLP and hypnotherapy, I made deep, life altering changes in my subconscious mind which radically changed my relationship with, well, relationships.  

Long story short, before I (inadvertently) got help, I never had a good romantic relationship.  Afterwards, I never had a bad one. The change was profound. My pattern shifted from abuse, chaos, trauma and guilt to mutual respect, peace, fun and yumminess. 

Why Hypnotherapy and NLP?

Because it works.  Dramatic results, like the ones I experienced, begin with healing the subconscious wounds and patterns that we brought with us from childhood.  These impressions and traumas are the "intelligence" our subconscious mind refers to when it comes to navigating our personal lives.   Most of us didn't receive very helpful guidance or examples of healthy relationships.  We were not instilled with self love and confidence or taught how to speak our truth and set healthy boundaries.  No wonder we can be so smart in our professional life and so stupid in our personal life.   The really tricky part is that all of these patterns and emotional triggers are deeply unconscious.  We don't know what's going on or why it's happening.  All we know is that it KEEPS happening and we're tired of it.  There's never been anything wrong with you, you were just given some really bad information.  Work smarter, not harder.  If you're exhausted and ready to get off the Merry Go Round, reach out to Serena and take that leap of faith.  What have you got to lose?  

Interview on Doing It With STILES

"Holy Shit.  This woman hit home so hard on so many levels.   She is spot on with everything she talked about.  I feel like I could sit down and talk with her for hours and go through our life stories together."  

                                                                Anonymous Viewer

Hypnosis Vs. Hypnotherapy

Thomas Washington testimonial
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